July 17, 2012

The process of designing a greeting card

This summer I'm taking a class called "Decorative Illustration." Part of the class involves designing greeting cards, and it's a lot of fun. Our first assignment was to design a non-holiday, "anytime" card.

First I drew a bunch of thumbnails. I hate this step, and after about 6 thumbnails I usually run out of good ideas and start scraping the bottom of my mind barrel.

I took my favorite idea out of the bunch and sketched it out in pencil. My favorite part is the stuffed whale - it's based on a stuffed animal my Mom made me when I was little.

Next I digitally added colors on top, trying various color schemes.

My teacher liked the last one the best, so I cleaned it up digitally and added some detail.

Then I printed it out on a card and made a matching envelope for it.

Cute, huh? It's kind of thrilling to design something on the computer and then hold it in your hands. I plan on sending this card to my grandma. :)


  1. wow that is awesome! cute result :) I'd love to give it a try sometime

  2. I love it! Such imagination!
    xo Michelle

  3. Just stumbled across your blog, wow, you have some fantastic work! Looking forward to reading backwards through some of your earlier posts. Anyway, I really like this card and the matching envelope is a lovely touch. (I'm intrigued by the top middle thumbnail sketch though - what is it? A pirate girl with a huge hat and a long ribbon? Someone with a jellyfish on their head? I looks interesting...)

    1. Hi Piroska! Thanks for your comment! The top middle thumbnail is indeed a girl with a jellyfish. I actually liked the idea so much that I finished it on my own - you can see it here: http://kelleybean86.deviantart.com/art/Electric-Umbrella-313116228

  4. I love mine! I'll save it forever!


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