February 8, 2010

Self-portrait, finished!


Finally! This drawing took a long time to finish - partially because of the large size, (11x14) and also because of the hair! I think I captured the messiness and frizziness of my hair in the original photo, without being too crazy.


 As you can see, I didn't bother shading in the entire back and shoulder. Just wasn't interested. The drawing might look better with more shoulder shaded in, but since I'm only keeping this for myself, I'll let it slide.

I'm starting to think that maybe drawing hair backlit by sunlight is sort of my "style." I definitely like the way it turns out when I do it, such as in the White Dresses portrait or the Angel drawing. (Which both happen to be two of my personal favorites.)

See this drawing in progress: part 1 and part 2.


  1. Kelley, your work is absolutely fantastic! What a beautiful illustration, i'm so happy to have found your blog! :)

    P.S. now following :) xx

  2. You're so talented! I saw your work on craftgawker.com and I'm so impressed! I'm going to mention you on my blog! Keep up the great work!


  3. Thanks for the mention, Genelle!


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